It has been a good run when i blogged for free, staying hidden from .. well, noone .. then i joined UOW (Unlimited Otaku Works) as a joint post blog to make things more interesting, most importantly to share my points of view. But it was a short term thing since the site was gonna go down soon, and me? Give up blogging? No way! Why would i? If J Jonah Jameson told me to stop writing, i’d just leave the Daily Bugle and join Ben Urich at the Frontline! The difference? I wont be limited or censored, but the point is to speak up my mind as the way i am.

I aint exactly Marry Poppins, or the Pope, … or Maddox for the matter .. BUT .. i only put up a good front and pretend to be someone else if i am paid to be. Like Customer Support or Human Resource. So now presenting to my readers or internet trollers or whatevers, the new website which is mine, with a DOTCOM .. .. yep .. its all about free speech of an otaku/fanboy who happens to be a trooper. ‘Nuff said! Those that stick to religion/politics like a breathing the air .. CLICK HERE! (Must be 7 and below).

When it comes to pop culture, may it be otakuism or fanboyism, i have always mentioned there were the same thing. The only difference, like technology regions, is the region. One came from the West and the other from the East. Made quite a couple of friends at Supanova Sydney 2010, exchanging cards and such. Ran out of cards at 1400hrs of Day02 Supanova. But never stopped me from introducing myself as the Otaku Trooper. I am a Network Engineer, its what i do, i build networks passively. So many ways, twitter/email/blog addresses you name it. I never ask for a phone number because that is like the direct connection to a person’s soul. You dont ask for it unless both are willing or u just happen to know the person really well!

This post was made using Windows Live Writer, recently updated @ 1700hrs, 04 June 2010. Made without using the downloaded template and i am eager to find out how it goes. Offline blog posting is way easier than relying on the internet all the time. I did this for my old blog, but that didnt go well due to compatibility issues (WordPress 1.9 to 2.0).

Today’s post is about a comrade, that does an awesome Darth Vader, member of the 501st Legion, that i met in Supanova. When it comes to costumers/cosplayers i like to learn about their background and know how they turned into fanboy/otakus. This Darth Vader happened to be Wolverine aka John Howlett of the X-Men (as seen in the comics and animated series, and movies). He did a wonderful Wolverine! I was pretty much asking him on Facebook if he could get me a pair of Wolvie claws and mail them to me. So it would go well with the 3 key items i want to have. The marks of the Avengers, a Shield (shield), Helmet (armor), and Claws (weapon).

Snikt! Snikt! Bring it on, mate! I mean “bub!”

Costume is based off the X-Men movies, takes an Aussie to pull of a Hugh Jackman!

I can SNIKT! too!

I so want a pair of these!

Hmmm .. this editor doesnt support CSS scripting which kind of rules out the Caption codes >.< This is the part where comrade Shazzsteel is gonna go “HOHO” and “HEHE” since i would  be using the same format as him now. Le sigh. But in future posts i will still put captions can it looks neater =)

This happens to be Wolvie’s/Vader’s Room before he boxed it up!

But according to him, now its a trillion times worse! LOL. So far after looking thru a room like that, i think this fanboy can rival any otaku room on this planet! (Ok, seriously, so CAPTIONS work on YOUTUBE vids?!) Hmmm, tried the code but it was using DIVs instead of CAPTION CSS style codes. Guess i would have to edit future posts with a CSS compatible editor! This post remains unedited, except for the Thumbnail pic i have to add in for the front page.

Loot arrived one day and found out it belonged to neither my Ebay crazy housemates or myself, but in fact, it was addressed to my brother. Being a console gamer lover (not my fault!), he bought his own Square Enix/Konami Metal Solid Peacewalker: Big Boss (Naked Snake). To me, its like magic, coz he got really motivated to take pics of his latest loot. This is a bit different, because this one happens to be his life long favourite! Which is somehow different when compared to crazy otakus who buy everything kawaii whether he needs it or not. Haha! I choose my loot, because i have watched/read it and liked them characters, pretty much runs the same with my bro. The good thing is, now i can borrow a ‘Naked Snake’ when i want ^^

These pics were altered using Adobe Light Room 2. Spot the difference? Not really, just tweaking and patching it up =3

Now this wasnt my loot! (Crimotaku)

MG Peacewalker's Naked Snake/Big Boss

Look at that face! Detailed with wrinkles!

Ball joints are perfectly hidden. No screws or figma like joints!

Didnt expect mGlacius to make a comic skit ^^

Even got my nekos involved to amplify kawaii-ness!!

As long as u have a tactical shield, u can avoid the Cactuar's deadly 10,000 needles attack! (1 needle = 1dmg)

With a face like that, its like, they painted a face and gave it realistic plastic sugery!

The horribad FREE loot given by fake Stormtrooper ADIDAS sneaker sellers ^^

Yep! Those were the bribes given by the anonymous fake sneaker sellers that try to sell the Limited Edition ADIDAS X STAR WARS sneakers online. If you read my journeys as the Otaku Trooper or at least browsed the Crimotaku/UOW blog, u’d see the massive difference. The internet is an awesome place to find what u cannot find  near u, but always remember there will always be scammers in our world. Cheap retarded schmucks who try to exploit the trust of our internet community and con the world of their money.

There will be rempits (Malaysian gangsters), gangsters, and degenerates, but its human nature to be greedy .. and stupid. But thats just how the world works in a nutshell ^^

Supanova Sydney 2010 took place from the 18th to the 20th June, on the 22nd i was scheduled to fly back to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to attend to some legal personal business. It was last minute planning and it had to be done. Going back to Kuala Lumpur all fatigued and all that, i met up with the Danny Choo readers in KL and bought them lunch at Pizza Hut ^^ Within those two short days i bought some upgrades to my armor and camera. Came back, ended up buying a wireless remote (cheaper than Malaysia, coz its original) .. and with the combined effort of my gorilla tripod, that drive of inspiration turned into this Nendo/Figma Tale ^^ Titled FLASH!

Here ya go, Ojousama!
Whats this?
Click! CLICK!! Click?!
Must i really type out the FLASH? -_-
Remember when taking pics of cosplayers, not too much flash! Its annoying!

If anyone wondered why these pics were like this, its because it was a different camera and it was meant to be this way. Like duh, there are cameras that took pictures in 4:3, ya know? But we all know that now, dont we? ^^ Its not like i took pics with these using my eyeballs and USB-ed these images out of my ear to the laptop. There is always a reason in everything i do and say, if i wanted help, i’d ask for it. Simple and easy like 1-2-3 => And dont even try to give me the idea to crop it to a widescreen layout, i wasnt born yesterday. I take pics as it is, then Photoshop/LightRoom them. Its what i do!

Crimotaku here, known as the Otaku Trooper. Bringing to you not-exactly-no-longer LIVE .. Supanova Sydney 2010! Preview Night.

Thanks to connections of the local Sydney 501st Legion members, this otaku managed to get a special pass to allows me to “teleport” all over the event … pass the lines, making it possible for me to do this post! Giving people and inside view of one of Australia’s biggest conventions! Some say that Melbourne has bigger conventions compared to Sydney (Syd being 2nd) .. and i think i have to agree with that.

This preview night was set on the 18th June 2010.

More pics @

Otaku Trooper packed and ready!

Preview Night on the 18th June

The massive queue of people!

Not all of them were people tho ..

The 501st Legion SCG of Sydney setting up the booth. Responsible for getting me in ^^

This is the size of the Dome

R2D2 builders!

Look sir, droids!

Angel Beats reference?

You can find old school toys for sale too!

The SCG guys having fun. Most troopers call their helmets buckets, but these were really buckets!

This is one of Sydney's Otaku Loot distributors

Cosplayers came as well on the preview night


Kingdom Hearts, Watchmen and the list goes on!

Why so serious, Mr J?

Two cute pikachus! ^^

Umbrella Corps made sure security was tight!

Buffy Stars are coming to this event!

The original Hulk actor and the voice machine from Police Academy!

Initial D showing after the MCs gave the opening speech and such, which i missed coz i was mingling with the 501st and cosplayers

In Australia, cosplayers take the train too! The happy schmuck in the background happens to be DC Reader, Major Gravy ^^

Personal Blah-Blahs: Well thats the Otaku Trooper Report for Preview Night of Supanova Syd 2010! Two more days of report to type up! One thing i like about Australian conventions is there is a balance between western Sci Fic Fanboyism and eastern Otakuism.  But just by looking at the convention, Fanboyism and Otakuism is the same thing. There is no OR .. just AND! Fanboyism and Otakuism is the same thing, it just happens the Japanese term, Otaku, didnt pop up before Fanboyism. The Otaku Trooper is the middle link of both these cultures of the two worlds, loving them both equally. If i cover a convention, i try to capture the whole convention with all its content, but this is only possible if i have my brother (personal photographer) with me. >.< Why? He is my brother, he can sense all the kinds of mischief i can do, with just a word from me, and he’d click immediately ^^

For Supanova Sydney 2010, i was doing both Meito Anisawa cosplay from Lucky Star and a Stormtrooper. As i was the Stormtrooper i was reporting to 501st Legion duties (hard to take pics in armor and carry a DSLR), i like to pay off the favors and debts the moment i owe people something. Its not my way to take things for granted! =3 If you otakus out there ever do something awesome for me, i will make sure i return the awesomeness with some interest ^^ After double cosplaying, i pretty much understand why cosplayers dont bring their own cameras. However, thanks to DC Reader, Major Gravy, who saved the day, the Otaku Trooper was able to cause some mischief in the last two hours of Sunday 20th June! Whew! And i thought i would never get any pictures done!

But after this convention, i learnt something. I will only put full effort with a trustworthy and skilled photographer, that way i wont need hold back posing and doing all the talking, while my photographer take the pics. ^^  In short, i dont think i’d fly to a convention without a wingman … ever!